Tax Information
In addition to Federal and State returns, residents of Audubon Park receive two separate tax bills: one from Jefferson County & another from the City of Audubon Park
Personal Property Taxes (Jefferson County)
All residents will also receive a separate Property Tax bill from Jefferson County, typically during the month of October. Taxes are due by December 1st, with a 2% discount for payment prior to that date and a 5% penalty added to all bills paid between Jan 1 and Jan 31. Penalties for tax bills paid after those dates are even higher. These bills include assessed rates for fire protection provided by Camp Taylor Fire District to residents of Audubon Park.
Personal Property Taxes (Audubon Park)
Taxes are due by June 1st of the calendar year at face amount of bill. Taxes paid after July 1st incur a penalty of 5% with additional 1.5% per month. Taxes paid after July 31st incur a penalty of 10% with additional 1.5% per month. 2024-2025 Tax Rate: $0.232/$100 assessed valuation provided by Jefferson County PVA.
Motor Vehicle Taxes
Tax bills for motor vehicles are sent out with registration renewals. These are mailed in the birth month of any registered driver who has a vehicle licensed in Jefferson County. 2024-2025 Tax Rate: $0.28/$100 assessed valuation.
Sanitation and Recycling Assessment
Households are assessed a fee for garbage/yard waste/recycling collection/storm damage reserve. These fees are included with the annual property tax bill. This amount varies due to contract terms with the waste management vendor.