Resident Notification Systems
Residents of Audubon Park have access to three notification systems available to them at no cost:
Audubon Park News
The goals of the AP News Notification System are to provide up-to-date crime alerts in Audubon Park and the surrounding areas regarding scams, thefts, suspicious activity; distribute crime safety and prevention tips; and to send out timely reminders of local events and news. Residents can sign up for this free service by filling out the online form below. All email addresses will be kept confidential.
In 2013, the City of Audubon Park piloted a resident notification system in partnership with ReachAlert, which allows users (residents) to receive information via three modes of communication: voicemail, email and/or text. This program was initiated in response to resident requests for improved and more timely communication on topics such as emergency/public safety situations (e.g. downed power lines or trees, road closures), crime alerts, notification of upcoming social events or meetings etc pertaining to Audubon Park. ReachAlert provides almost instantaneous dissemination of information which can be critical for time-sensitive information. This system is also used by public and private school systems and many major employers in the Louisville area. There is no cost to residents to sign up for this system, it is open to any and all members of resident households, and since information is maintained by an outside company, your privacy is guaranteed and your information is not shared with the City of Audubon Park.
Sign up is easy and quick:
Sign up is easy and quick:
- login at to register
- Click on “create account” (halfway down page in block on right)
- Follow the prompts and enter your contact information to receive alerts via your preferred method (text, voice alerts by phone, and/or email)
- Enter “Audubon Park” when asked which network you want to join. Click on our name on the drop-down list.
- For those electing text alerts, within seconds of signing up, you will get a 4 digit verification code on your phone; simply enter this code on the registration screen and click on the word VALIDATE.

LENSAlert is a city-wide notification system for the Louisville area. This system also allows for communication via email, text, or phone alerts to warn citizens of potentially life-threatening events. It has three levels: emergency notifications (which present urgent or immediate danger to life and health such as hazmat spells), general notifications (to warn the public of potential dangers such as Amber Alerts etc.), and severe weather alerts (e.g. warnings or watches for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, or flooding) which are provided directly by the National Weather Service. Residents in the Louisville metropolitan area can sign up for this free service by clicking on the image below.