New Resident Information
Garbage & Recyclingge & Recycling
Services provided under our current contract with Waste Management include:
Missed Pickup:
If your garbage/yard waste/recycling was not picked up, please contact the City Clerk at (502) 637-5066 or [email protected]. She will report the incident to the service center which will send a truck to fix the problem.
If you contact the service center at (502) 966-0117, make sure you identify yourself by name and note that you are a resident of Audubon Park in Louisville KY.
Information on Obtaining a Recycling Bin or Wheeled Garbage Bin:
Residents receive one free recycling bin per household. If you are a new resident, contact the City Clerk at 637-5066 with your name and address to request a bin. These requests are usually filled within 24 hours if made during the work week.
*Please note that items should not to be placed at the street earlier than the evening before collection to maintain the tidy appearance of our streets.
Yard Waste must be bundled, not to exceed 48 inches in length. Logs will not be accepted. These requirements remain the same when there is debris from storms. The City does not have a drop site for storm debris. Residents must use Metro drop sites for debris that won't meet pick up requirements.
*In May 2014, Jefferson County Waste Management District adopted a yard waste container regulation (51.507R) clarifying collection procedures. Residents must now use one of the following containers for yard waste: reusable bin, paper yard waste bag, compostable plastic bag meeting ASTM D6400 standards.
Yard Waste and Recycling Page:
- Weekly garbage pickup on Wednesdays
- Biweekly recycling pickup at the curb on Wednesdays
- Weekly yard waste pickup at the curb on Wednesdays. Must be in approved containers or bundled
Missed Pickup:
If your garbage/yard waste/recycling was not picked up, please contact the City Clerk at (502) 637-5066 or [email protected]. She will report the incident to the service center which will send a truck to fix the problem.
If you contact the service center at (502) 966-0117, make sure you identify yourself by name and note that you are a resident of Audubon Park in Louisville KY.
Information on Obtaining a Recycling Bin or Wheeled Garbage Bin:
Residents receive one free recycling bin per household. If you are a new resident, contact the City Clerk at 637-5066 with your name and address to request a bin. These requests are usually filled within 24 hours if made during the work week.
*Please note that items should not to be placed at the street earlier than the evening before collection to maintain the tidy appearance of our streets.
Yard Waste must be bundled, not to exceed 48 inches in length. Logs will not be accepted. These requirements remain the same when there is debris from storms. The City does not have a drop site for storm debris. Residents must use Metro drop sites for debris that won't meet pick up requirements.
*In May 2014, Jefferson County Waste Management District adopted a yard waste container regulation (51.507R) clarifying collection procedures. Residents must now use one of the following containers for yard waste: reusable bin, paper yard waste bag, compostable plastic bag meeting ASTM D6400 standards.
Yard Waste and Recycling Page:
Traffic Code Code
The speed of all vehicles shall not exceed 25 miles per hour. Parking between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on streets is prohibited. Parking on any front or side yard or easement is prohibited except on driveways. Parking is also prohibited within 15 feet of a fire hydrant and within 30 feet of an intersection. Parked vehicles must be headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement with all wheels of the vehicle on the paved portion of the roadway and within 6 inches of the edge of the road. Parking with any of the wheels of the vehicle on the grass or unpaved surface of the roadway is prohibited. Bicycles must yield the right-of-way on roadways.
A permit is required to trim or remove a tree on the street right-of-way or street easement. If you are unsure if your tree is on the street right of way or street easement, contact Otto Mock, our Code Enforcement Officer at [email protected]
Yard Sales
A permit is required to have a yard sale (one per year limit).
Annual Community Eventsl Community Events
- Festival of the Dogwood (April)
- Independence Day Parade (July)
Notification Systems
Visit to sign up for electronic newsletters, Reach Alert, and Code Red notification systems.
House Watch Requests
Going on vacation? Leaving town for business? Whatever the reason may be, the Audubon Park Police Department House Watch program is designed to provide you with peace of mind by placing your address on a stepped-up patrol list for those living in the city limits of Audubon Park. Officers in your area will be instructed to keep a close eye on your property and to conduct area checks more regularly while you are away. Simply visit the website link:
City Council & Board Meetings
All meetings are at Audubon Park City Hall, 3340 Robin Road, unless otherwise noted.
City Council Meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. To honor Federal holidays, meetings are held on the next day (Tuesday) at 6:00 p.m.
The Garden Club meets from September to May, on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted. You are invited to become a member of this illustrious club.
The Code Enforcement Board meets at announced times to conduct hearings and other business.
The Forest Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
The Ethics Board meets as required to evaluate reports or complaints.
The Parks & Recreation Board meets the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
City Council Meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. To honor Federal holidays, meetings are held on the next day (Tuesday) at 6:00 p.m.
The Garden Club meets from September to May, on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted. You are invited to become a member of this illustrious club.
The Code Enforcement Board meets at announced times to conduct hearings and other business.
The Forest Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
The Ethics Board meets as required to evaluate reports or complaints.
The Parks & Recreation Board meets the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor- Madeline Bozeman
(502) 637-5066 ext 301
[email protected]
[email protected]
Audubon Park Police- Chief Mike Murdoch
(502) 637-5066 ext 310
[email protected]
House Watch Requests:
[email protected]
House Watch Requests:
Audubon Park City Clerk
City Hall: Hours are normally 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday
3340 Robin Road Louisville, KY 40213
Phone (502) 637-5066 ext. 300 / Fax (502) 637-1574
3340 Robin Road Louisville, KY 40213
Phone (502) 637-5066 ext. 300 / Fax (502) 637-1574
Code Enforcement- Otto Mock
Public Works- Jason Payne
Phone (502) 637-5066 ext. 309
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fire Department- Fern Creek
Chief Nathan Mulvey
Firehouse: (502) 239-7075
Firehouse: (502) 239-7075