Audubon Park Forest Board
Mission: To maintain a canopy from shade trees over all public ways of Audubon Park, so that we can continue to walk under majestic high branches and leaves from trees that may be older than we are – and to plant the trees that will continue as a heritage for our children and grandchildren.
Organization and Purpose:The Forest Board was established by ordinance in 2002. It was tasked with preservation and renewal of the urban forest in Audubon Park – with specific emphasis on the city’s parks and street easements. As part of its mission, the ordinance also established a Forest Board, comprised of 6-12 resident members (who serve staggered terms of four years), to oversee the preservation and renewal of the City’s urban forest. Under its mandate, the board was charged with developing a forest management plan and a tree inventory, and to serve as an advisory group to city government. Members of the Forest Board provide a valuable educational resource to residents on the proper care and treatment of trees such as how to plant, appropriate selection based on height limitations and site specifics, how to properly prune and other topics. For additional information on tree care, please see the document below.
City of Audubon Park Urban Tree Guide 2019 |
Planting New Trees:
Our urban tree canopy is one of the distinguishing factors that make our city so beautiful, in addition to providing many other ecological, environmental, and economic benefits. Understanding the importance of our urban trees, current budgeting has allowed for the Forest Board to plant trees for homeowners in the street right of way at no cost to homeowners. If you are interested in planting a tree in the street right of way to continue to build our urban tree canopy, please contact the Forest Board chair.
In order to maintain the health of our urban tree canopy, permits are required for any work performed on trees in the street right of way, including tree removal, tree pruning, and tree planting. Please complete a permit application with at least two weeks advance notice by following the link The permit must be approved prior to the start of work.
Please contact the Forest Board Chair if you have any questions, are interested in joining the Forest Board, or are interested in planting a tree. The Forest Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall. All are welcomed. Contact the Forest Board at [email protected]
Please contact the Forest Board Chair if you have any questions, are interested in joining the Forest Board, or are interested in planting a tree. The Forest Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall. All are welcomed. Contact the Forest Board at [email protected]