ardsCode Enforc
ementIn July 2007, the City of Audubon Park established a Code Enforcement Board, with authority to issue remedial orders and impose fines for violations of designated City ordinances. The Code Enforcement Board holds hearings on appeals of judgments and can impose civil fines authorized by the Code, if warranted. The Board is comprised of 3 City residents appointed by the Mayor, who serve staggered terms of three years. The Code Enforcement Board meets at announced times to conduct hearings and other business. Current members include:
Yolanda Farris (until 1/1/2027)
Blaire Killmeier (until 1/1/2025)
Mary Mittel (until 1/1/2026)
Yolanda Farris (until 1/1/2027)
Blaire Killmeier (until 1/1/2025)
Mary Mittel (until 1/1/2026)
csThe City’s Ethics Board was established in December 1994, along with a Code of Ethics to provide a framework of ethical conduct pertaining to officers and employees of the City. The purpose of the ordinance is to address real or perceived conflicts of interest between private interests and public duties. It provides measures to assure that standards of ethical and financial disclosure requirements for City officers and employees are clearly established, uniform in application, and enforceable; and to establish a framework to provide such individuals with advice regarding potential conflicts of interest arising in the conduct of public duties. The ordinance encompasses potential conflicts with contracts, receipt of gifts, and use of City property, equipment or personnel for personal use.
The Ethics Board has three members, appointed by the Mayor, who serve staggered terms of three years. Members must be residents of the City with knowledge of local government affairs. Their duties are to receive and investigate complaints, hold hearings, refer violations to the Mayor/Council, and enforce provisions of the ordinance. Meetings of this board are on an as-needed basis. Current members include:
Noah Connolly (until 1/1/2027)
Vacant (until 1/1/2024)
Joel Fahey (until 1/1/2027)
The Ethics Board has three members, appointed by the Mayor, who serve staggered terms of three years. Members must be residents of the City with knowledge of local government affairs. Their duties are to receive and investigate complaints, hold hearings, refer violations to the Mayor/Council, and enforce provisions of the ordinance. Meetings of this board are on an as-needed basis. Current members include:
Noah Connolly (until 1/1/2027)
Vacant (until 1/1/2024)
Joel Fahey (until 1/1/2027)
Forest Boa
rdThe Audubon Park Forest Board was established by ordinance in November 2002. This ordinance provides for the appointment of a City Forester by the Mayor, and sets forth guidelines intended to promote, manage, and redevelop the urban forest within Audubon Park. As part of its mission, the ordinance also establishes a Forest Board, comprised of 6-12 resident members (who serve staggered terms of four years), to oversee the preservation and renewal of the City’s urban forest. The Forest Board is assigned specific duties: to develop a forest management plan and a tree inventory; to provide education to residents; and to serve as an advisory group to the Mayor and Council on forest issues within Audubon Park. The Forest Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Further information on activities of the Forest Board can be obtained by visiting Audubon Park Forest Board Web Page. Contact the Forest Board at [email protected] Current members include:
Aaron Morris, Chair (until 1/1/2025)
Shirley Robben (until 1/1/2025)
John Mittel (until 1/1/2027)
Shirley Robben (until 1/1/2025)
John Mittel (until 1/1/2027)
Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Board was established by ordinance in September 2014 to develop and oversee park resources, and to plan and conduct activities using these and other public spaces for the betterment of the community. The Board shall include five members appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council. Members shall serve terms of four years, or until their successors are appointed, except that initial appointments to establish staggered rotation shall be one of one year, one of two years, one of three years, and two of four years. Parks & Recreation Board meets the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Park and Recreational Board at [email protected]
Current members include:
Tori Shackleton, Chair (until 1/1/2029)
vacant (until 1/1/2026)
vacant (until 1/1/2027)
vacant (until 1/1/2028)
vacant (until 1/1/2029)
Current members include:
Tori Shackleton, Chair (until 1/1/2029)
vacant (until 1/1/2026)
vacant (until 1/1/2027)
vacant (until 1/1/2028)
vacant (until 1/1/2029)