Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, Whirlpools, & Spas:
Sec. 15-6.01 Permit Required:
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or maintain a swimming pool in the front or side yards of any lot within the City.
(b) There shall be allowed in the City only permanent in-ground swimming pools, constructed in the rear yard and subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth.
(c) No person shall construct or maintain a swimming pool as provided herein without first making application and obtaining a permit from the City.
(d) No swimming pool shall be constructed nor shall a permit be therefor be granted unless there is provided a drain in the pool, which drain shall be connected underground directly to the sanitary sewer system.
(e) No inflatable domes, covers, or other raised structure over the pool shall be allowed.
Sec. 15-6.02 Permit Application:
An applicant for a permit, signed by the owner or his authorized agent, shall be filed with the Mayor or designee. It shall provide such information as may be reasonably required by such director for an intelligent understanding of the proposed work and its effect on the surrounding properties. The information set forth in the written applications shall contain at least the following information:
(a) The kind of pool to be constructed.
(b) The overall dimensions of the length, width, and depth of the pool, and a description of any proposed exterior lighting, including provisions for the shielding of said lighting.
(c) A plat showing the pool’s location on the property in relation to existing structures, easements, boundary lines, and existing or proposed fences. Said plat shall also show the location of any proposed exterior lighting.
(d) Any effect on adjacent properties which can be reasonably expected to result from the construction of the pool,
(e) What provisions are to be made for supplying the pool with potable water and for the drainage thereof.
(f) The substance which will be used as fill and the anticipated disposition of any earth removed
(g) The time when construction is expected to begin and the length of time it will take before it is completed.
(h) Submittal of fencing plan.
Sec. 15-6.03 Issuance of Permit:
(a) Other Requirements: Any person requesting a permit must, in addition to the Audubon Park permit, obtain the necessary permits form the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning and the Louisville and Jefferson County Health Department.
(b) Examination of Application: The Mayor or designee shall examine or cause to be examined, each application for a swimming pool and the information furnished in connection therewith, shall ascertain by such examination that the construction of such pool will not adversely affect the public safety, health, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the City and will be in accordance with the requirements of this Code and all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions.
(c) Action of Applications:
(i) Approval: The Mayor or designee shall act upon an application for a swimming pool permit without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. If such Director is satisfied that such pool as described in the application and information furnished in connection therewith will not adversely affect the public safety, health, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the residents of the City, conforms to the requirements of this Code and all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions, he shall so report to the Legislative Body which, if concurs in such director’s report, shall issue a permit thereof.
(i.) Disapproval: If the application for a swimming pool permit and information filed therewith, describe work which does not conform to the requirements of this Code or all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions, or does not contain sufficient information, the Mayor or designee shall so report to the Legislative Body, and, if the report of such Mayor or designee is concurred in by the Legislative Body, no permit shall be issued and the applicant shall be so notified. When requested by the applicant, such refusal shall be in writing and shall contain the reasons therefor.
Sec. 15-6.04 Permit Fee:
No swimming pool permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have paid to the City treasurer a permit fee of $40.00, $20.00 of which shall be refunded to the applicant upon completion of the proposed work in compliance with this Code.
Sec. 15-6.05 Fences:
All pools or pool areas within the City shall be enclosed by fence at least 42 inches in height. Any gate or other entry through said fence must be capable of being latched.
Sec. 15-6.06 Hot Tubs, Whirlpools, & Spas:
Private above ground hot tubs, whirlpools, and spas when installed on the exterior of any lot shall have the same restrictions as below ground swimming pools and be limited to the water capacity of 400 gallons and be subject to Chapter 2, Sec. 13-2.02 of the City of Audubon Park Ordinances (Sec. 15-6.04 applies).
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or maintain a swimming pool in the front or side yards of any lot within the City.
(b) There shall be allowed in the City only permanent in-ground swimming pools, constructed in the rear yard and subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth.
(c) No person shall construct or maintain a swimming pool as provided herein without first making application and obtaining a permit from the City.
(d) No swimming pool shall be constructed nor shall a permit be therefor be granted unless there is provided a drain in the pool, which drain shall be connected underground directly to the sanitary sewer system.
(e) No inflatable domes, covers, or other raised structure over the pool shall be allowed.
Sec. 15-6.02 Permit Application:
An applicant for a permit, signed by the owner or his authorized agent, shall be filed with the Mayor or designee. It shall provide such information as may be reasonably required by such director for an intelligent understanding of the proposed work and its effect on the surrounding properties. The information set forth in the written applications shall contain at least the following information:
(a) The kind of pool to be constructed.
(b) The overall dimensions of the length, width, and depth of the pool, and a description of any proposed exterior lighting, including provisions for the shielding of said lighting.
(c) A plat showing the pool’s location on the property in relation to existing structures, easements, boundary lines, and existing or proposed fences. Said plat shall also show the location of any proposed exterior lighting.
(d) Any effect on adjacent properties which can be reasonably expected to result from the construction of the pool,
(e) What provisions are to be made for supplying the pool with potable water and for the drainage thereof.
(f) The substance which will be used as fill and the anticipated disposition of any earth removed
(g) The time when construction is expected to begin and the length of time it will take before it is completed.
(h) Submittal of fencing plan.
Sec. 15-6.03 Issuance of Permit:
(a) Other Requirements: Any person requesting a permit must, in addition to the Audubon Park permit, obtain the necessary permits form the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning and the Louisville and Jefferson County Health Department.
(b) Examination of Application: The Mayor or designee shall examine or cause to be examined, each application for a swimming pool and the information furnished in connection therewith, shall ascertain by such examination that the construction of such pool will not adversely affect the public safety, health, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the City and will be in accordance with the requirements of this Code and all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions.
(c) Action of Applications:
(i) Approval: The Mayor or designee shall act upon an application for a swimming pool permit without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. If such Director is satisfied that such pool as described in the application and information furnished in connection therewith will not adversely affect the public safety, health, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the residents of the City, conforms to the requirements of this Code and all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions, he shall so report to the Legislative Body which, if concurs in such director’s report, shall issue a permit thereof.
(i.) Disapproval: If the application for a swimming pool permit and information filed therewith, describe work which does not conform to the requirements of this Code or all other pertinent laws, ordinances, and deed restrictions, or does not contain sufficient information, the Mayor or designee shall so report to the Legislative Body, and, if the report of such Mayor or designee is concurred in by the Legislative Body, no permit shall be issued and the applicant shall be so notified. When requested by the applicant, such refusal shall be in writing and shall contain the reasons therefor.
Sec. 15-6.04 Permit Fee:
No swimming pool permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have paid to the City treasurer a permit fee of $40.00, $20.00 of which shall be refunded to the applicant upon completion of the proposed work in compliance with this Code.
Sec. 15-6.05 Fences:
All pools or pool areas within the City shall be enclosed by fence at least 42 inches in height. Any gate or other entry through said fence must be capable of being latched.
Sec. 15-6.06 Hot Tubs, Whirlpools, & Spas:
Private above ground hot tubs, whirlpools, and spas when installed on the exterior of any lot shall have the same restrictions as below ground swimming pools and be limited to the water capacity of 400 gallons and be subject to Chapter 2, Sec. 13-2.02 of the City of Audubon Park Ordinances (Sec. 15-6.04 applies).